The UniMill model of Technoorg ion mills has been designed for the extremely rapid preparation of high-quality TEM/XTEM samples with an unsurpassed high thinning rate. The design of the instrument enables both rapid milling with the ultra-high-energy noble gas ion source and final polishing and cleaning with the patented low-energy ion gun.
- Easy to use and automated operation
- Widest energy range on the market (100 eV- 16 keV)
- Load-lock system for fast sample exchange
- Liquid Nitrogen cooling option
- Online monitoring and support

Dual function
The only instrument with the widest energy range of ion sources. The highest energy ion source for extremely high milling rate. Featuring a patented low energy gun for gentle cleaning of samples with the same instrument.

Easy to use and automated operation
The UniMill is provided with full computer control utilizing an easy-to-use graphical interface. All milling parameters can be stored or pre-programmed in an arbitrary number of steps. This fully automated feature of the UniMill allows producing high-quality samples with minimum user intervention.

Sample Cooling
To cover all possible needs UniMill offersliquid nitrogencooling reduces excessive sample heating during the ion bombardment. Thus, heat-sensitive materials can be prepared without destabilization of internal structures.

Fast and motorized sample exchange
负载制动,届e motorized sample holder driving system provides fast and easy sample exchange with the least possible user interaction. The load-lock protects the vacuum level in the working chamber to save significant time and energy for heavy users.